Ibiza: attività uniche

Ibiza: attività uniche

Prenota attività indimenticabili proposte da persone del luogo su Airbnb.

Attività nelle vicinanze delle attrazioni principali

PachaConsigliato da 472 persone del luogo
Bora Bora IbizaConsigliato da 116 persone del luogo
Casino de IbizaConsigliato da 68 persone del luogo
Destino Pacha ResortConsigliato da 65 persone del luogo
Teatro PereyraConsigliato da 46 persone del luogo
Marina ibizaConsigliato da 31 persone del luogo

Ibiza: tutte le attività nelle vicinanze

Scopri Formentera con un magnifico catamarano
Ci incontreremo alle 11:00 a sud di Ibiza per navigare fino a Formentera dal posto migliore. Dopo un'ora e mezza di barca a vela, faremo un salto a Espalmador e partiremo con la barca ausiliaria per fare una passeggiata in questa splendida spiaggia. Dopo circa un'ora in paradiso navigheremo verso Illetes (15 minuti in barca a vela). Illetes è la spiaggia più famosa di Formentera. Alcuni dicono che è la settima spiaggia migliore del mondo. Ci ancoreremo e andremo a mangiare in uno dei suoi ristoranti sulla spiaggia alle 15:30/16:00. I ristoranti costano circa 60-90€. Ti consigliamo di portare il pranzo e mangiare sulla barca. Puoi usare il frigorifero della barca, le stoviglie, i bicchieri, ecc. Dopo aver mangiato, navigheremo a nord di Formentera (Punta Alta) e dopo l'ultimo bagno della giornata torneremo a Ibiza per arrivarci alle 19:00. Disponiamo di attrezzatura da paddle surf e snorkeling a bordo, così puoi utilizzarle gratuitamente. Mangiare o bere non è incluso, ma puoi portarli con te e utilizzare il congelatore della barca per tenerli freddi. Se prenoti tutta la barca (10 persone) possiamo andare dove vuoi. La barca può ospitare fino a 12 persone più lo skipper e non è possibile essere di più. A seconda delle condizioni meteorologiche possiamo cambiare il punto d'incontro e il percorso. Ci vediamo a Ibiza! PD: Questa esperienza non è una "Esperienza di festa a Ibiza", cercheremo di rilassarci e goderci la vela e la natura! ;-)
Pagaia nella parte più selvaggia di Ibiza
Discover the wildest and most natural side of the island in paddle surf. Escape the massified or commercially known places making it a unique and relaxing experience where you can dive into sea caves, swim in the best crystalline waters and enjoy cliffs and secret corners of our coast. We will leave from our shop and meeting point moving with our vans and trailers looking for the best secret places and with the calmest waters of the island. *THERE ARE 2 MEETING OPTIONS:* -9:00AM AT OUR SHOP for clients with out transport (we take you to the beach) -10:00AM AT THE BEACH for clients with their own transport. We send you the beach location the day before the tour. No previous experience is required, just know how to swim. Are you in? ¡¡IMPORTANT!! TRIP IS AROUND 2 HOURS. INCLUDING TRANSPORT, LESSON, TRIP ETC...CAN BE 3.30HOURS - 4HOURS TOTAL. GROUPS CAN BE BIGGER THAN 10 PEOPLE Other things to note -No previous experience is needed. -Our monitors are certified lifeguards. -The activities last approximately two hours.
Salpa per Formentera con uno stupendo catamarano
We will meet at 11:00 in the south of Ibiza. We will sail about 1 hour to the natural park of Espalmador. For me it is the best place in Balearics!. We will be there about 1.5 hours and we will sail to Illetes, the most beautifull and famous beach of Formentera. We will anchor and you will be able to swim, snorkel or go to the beach with our auxiliar boat (all included). Then you'll decide if you want to eat on board or go to eat to a beach restaurant (not included). We use to eat at "el Pirata" around 60-80€/person. We recommend that you bring your lunch and eat on the boat. After the best siesta you've ever had onboard, we will sail again to Talamanca and this relaxing day will finish at 19:00. This experience is to relax and feel the sail timing but it's not a good way to see all Formentera because it's too big to see it all in just one day. Depending on weather conditions we can change the meeting point and the route. Thanks!! See you in Ibiza!! Joan PD: This experience is not an "Ibiza party experience", we will try to relax and enjoy sailing and nature! ;-) Other things to note Sailing is an outdoor sport so you will have to be responsable and take care of yourselves. When you walk around the boat you'll have to have always a hand in the boat.
Splendido servizio fotografico nella Dalt Vila
We'll meet near the magnificent entrance to Dalt Vila (the Old Town) - Portal des ses Taules. There we will take the first photos of you, framed by the archway, flanked by Roman statues, and then proceed inside to the Courtyard Placa d' armes, and out to the street Plaça de la Vila - which is full of colourful restaurants and shops that will provide the backdrop to many of our pictures. From there we will proceed to the statue of Isidoro Macabich - for a quirky pose seated next to the famous poet and historian. Then we will climb the steps to the Santa Lucia Bastion for a stunning coastal backdrop. We will then walk to the Cathedral at the top of the Old Town, then descend and take one more shot near Calle de la Virgen (you are welcome to bring a range of outfits) I approach shooting with a relaxed and friendly style, where we are free to try out different ideas to achieve the best results, always allowing you to check the progress and adjust as we go. I will take photos that are both candid and posed, headshots and full-length, to provide a range of moods and styles that will best capture your essence and showcase you at your most photogenic. The next day I'll send on a file with all your photos via email. Note: I do not edit photos. Each booking can accommodate up to 4 people, though of course there will be less time for as many photos per person. See you soon!
Navega por Ibiza y Formentera
¡Descubre la magia del Mediterráneo con Mojito Charter! Nuestros veleros te llevan a aventuras inolvidables por las Islas Baleares. Desde las icónicas playas de Ibiza y Formentera hasta rincones tranquilos como Ses Salines o Ses Illetes. ¡Personaliza tu experiencia y prepárate para vivir momentos inolvidables a bordo! La ruta está abierta a los gustos del cliente dentro de las 8 horas que dura el Day Charter, sin embargo, os recomendamos los siguientes tours: 1- Tour Ibiza - Formentera Pasar el día en las azules aguas de Formentera. Esta ruta incluiría 1:30h de navegación de ida y dos paradas, una en la playa de Ses Illetes y otra en la Isla de Espalmador. 2- Calas del sur de Ibiza Este tour incluye paradas en 2 de las 3 calas más bonitas de la isla. 3- Tour Es Vedrá Este tour incluye una parada en la isla de Es Vedrá, la cual dicen tener energías magnéticas, y una parada en otra cala a elección del cliente. ¿Estás listo para embarcarte en una aventura que superará todas tus expectativas? ¡Reserva ahora tu experiencia y prepárate para vivir momentos inolvidables en el corazón del Mediterráneo! *Importe de gasolina y patronaje aparte
Excursión en velero en Ibiza, sólo hasta siete invitados
¡Hola! Navegue en Ibiza en un yate, sin el costo de un chárter privado Salimos desde la Bahía de San Antonio a navegar todos los días por la mañana por la costa de Ibiza. Llegaremos hasta una de las playas más bonitas de las Islas Baleares, Cala Comte. Disfrutaremos del de sus aguas turquesa con una copa de cava y un almuerzo gourmet, ¡conoceremos gente de todos los lugares! ¡luego paramos el bote para disfrutar de un baño! Elegiremos la playa que tenga menos olas dependiendo de la hora del día. No tengas miedo, te encantará y también tenemos chalecos por si tienes miedo a nadar o no lo sabes. ¡Sobre todo lo pasaremos bien y disfrutaremos de una experiencia diferente y espectacular! ¡Anímate a venir con tu pareja o con amigos! ¡Esperaremos por ti!
Naviga tra Ibiza e Formentera su un accogliente catamarano
Goditi un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile intraprendendo una gita in barca a vela lungo le splendide coste di Ibiza e Formentera a bordo di un meraviglioso catamarano a vela. Avrai il privilegio di arrivare a due delle spiagge più paradisiache di Formentera, da una prospettiva incredibile, davvero impagabile. Invita i tuoi amici o la tua famiglia a unirsi a te in questa avventura di 8 ore, o perché non intraprendere questa straordinaria vacanza in solitaria? La barca è un ampio catamarano, che può ospitare fino a 11 ospiti più lo skipper. Muoviti liberamente in questo catamarano sicuro, ammirando il paesaggio incredibile. Sorseggia un bicchiere di champagne mentre ti godi la serenità del mare senza rumore o fretta, oppure collega la tua musica attraverso il sistema stereo Bluetooth del catamarano e crea l'atmosfera per un viaggio indimenticabile. Sfrutta al massimo i servizi del catamarano, tra cui un frigorifero per mantenere i tuoi rinfreschi freddi, le tavole da SUP, le attrezzature per lo snorkeling e i gonfiabili per esplorare acque cristalline e una miriade di pesci. Se preferisci sbarcare, puoi usare il gommone per visitare le spiagge o gustare una deliziosa paella in un bar sulla spiaggia. Con la possibilità di portare con sé cibo e bevande, le possibilità di un'esperienza straordinaria sono infinite.
Esplora Formentera in barca a vela
We will enjoy the island of Formentera with my classic sailing boat that can accomodate a maximux of 6 person for a more intimate experience. We meet at Cala Jondal on the beach at 10:30 and from here we sail approx. 1 hour and half to Formentera where you will fall in love of its crystaline and pristine waters. We do the first stop in Espalmador Island and second stop in the fantastic beach of Ses Illetes. In every stop I can take you to the shore with the dinghy and explore the place by foot. You can also use the paddle board and the snorkeling gear. During the day I will give you snacks and drinks (water, coffee, tea, beer or wine). You are welcome to bring your own food for lunch or you can go to the shore in one of the restaurants on the beach of Ses Illetes. At around 17:00we sail back to Ibiza and we will be back at around 18:30. Other things to note : All the tours depend on the weather for the day. Private tour available, ask me for info.
Sessione di yoga in spiaggia a Ibiza
We will do a yoga class on a very beautiful beach, Talamanca where the environment and tranquility will allow us to enjoy a unique class, which gives us tools to achieve integral well-being and a memorable experience Other things to note The class adapts to all kinds of knowledge levels. It can be beginner or advanced.Any questions you have do not hesitate to ask me If you want to do the class at another beach or place you can also check
Highlights Running Tour of Ibiza Town
We’ll run together on a 5k route around Ibiza Town. We’ll stop frequently so that I can share fun stories and show you the best things to do and places to eat, drink and hang out. The tour takes around 1.5 hours and we’ll run at a pace that everyone is comfortable with (which might be slower than your usual pace). The tour will help you to quickly know your way around and give you the best tips to be able to make the most of your time in Ibiza. Other things to note Many guests worry they don't run fast enough to take part - if you can run/walk 3k at the moment, you will be able to complete the tour, because we stop frequently & run at a pace comfortable for all. NOTE THAT WE CAN START THE TOUR AT A TIME TO SUIT US BOTH, IT DOESN'T HAVE TO START AT THE TIME WRITTEN IN THE CALENDAR
Full Running Tour of Ibiza Town
We’ll run together on a 8k route around Ibiza Town. We’ll stop frequently so that I can share fun stories and show you the best things to do and places to eat, drink and hang out. The tour takes around 2 hours and we’ll run at a pace that everyone is comfortable with (which might be slower than your usual pace). The tour will help you to quickly know your way around and give you the best tips to be able to make the most of your time in Ibiza. NOTE THAT WE CAN START THE TOUR AT A TIME TO SUIT US BOTH, IT DOESN'T HAVE TO START AT THE TIME WRITTEN IN THE CALENDAR Many guests worry they don't run fast enough to take part - if you can run/walk 5k at the moment, you will be able to complete the tour, because we stop frequently & run at a pace comfortable for all.
Navega por Ibiza y Formentera
Navegaremos alrededor de la costa de Ibiza rumbo Formentera, descubriendo una de sus mejores playas, aprenderemos sobre el ecosistema de la zona y sus especies más comunes. Una vez en Formentera hay diferentes opciones de restaurantes a los que os podremos llevar y recoger cuando acabeis. Despues de comer y haber disfrutado de Formentera, continuaremos con la navegación de vuelta a Ibiza bajo la puesta de Sol.
Tour gastronomici guidati a Ibiza
Ibiza has a rich history with food, influenced by different cultures over thousands of years. What better way to experience this than to taste it yourself? Tag along and discover the stories behind the food, the drinks, the owners and the chefs that can only be found by booking this tour. We start the tour at 18.00h in the port of the old town of Ibiza – the centre for business, trading and meeting people for thousands of years. On a typical tour, you might visit the oldest bar in the port of Ibiza. From here we could continue the experience with a stop at one of the most special restaurants on Ibiza, the ‘living room’ of chef Boris. This wonderful chef worked at a famous Michelin starred restaurant in Copenhagen and now he prepares the most amazing tapas for us while using the best fresh products grown on the island. A very popular stop is at a quirky place which serves a bocadillo of Ibizan sobrasada, Mahon cheese and honey also from Ibiza. We also love taking our guests to a bustling Spanish restaurant popular with the locals to taste more amazing tapas. We normally finish the tour with a short walk through the old town to taste some delicious locally-produced ice cream. The tour lasts about 3 ½ hours and it’s the equivalent of having dinner.  The restaurants that we visit often change and we do not guarantee to visit any specific restaurants.
Yoga e benessere a Palma
Podrás vivenciar una clase de yoga y en un entorno muy natural Una clase donde no se necesita experiencia previa y se adapta a la capacidad y conocimiento de cada uno Otros aspectos destacables Si tienen algún tema relacionado con su salud que quisieran considerar específicamente pueden mencionarlo como asi también si tuviesen otra preferencia de locación dentro de la isla de Ibiza
Esperienza in barca a vela a Ibiza
We offer a day charter sailing experience in Ibiza & Formentera which includes, swimming, paddle boarding and much, much, more. We offer two trips: - Es Vedra & Atlantis - Formentera Both trips stop and beaches and private coves for you to swim and explore the islands * YOU CHOOSE THE LOCATION YOU VISIT * On the boat you will also have access to paddle board and snorkelling equipment. The experience will start at 13.30 pm and will finish at sunset. Our trip is all includive and will include: - snacks - Wines , beer and water - Captain - Fuel - Use of the dingy if you would like to go to shore - Snorkelling equipment - Paddle-board equipment If you are looking for an adventure, look no further, Vinicius is the answer! Other things to note: We will pick you up from Cala Jondal in Tropicana Beach Club at 1.30pm and drop you back here in the evening at sunset.