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Come fare

How a Host cancels a booking

Airbnb guests look forward to their trips, but we understand there are times when you may need to cancel. When you do, we recommend you also send your guest a message as soon as possible.

Per cancellare una prenotazione:

  1. Clicca su Oggi > Prenotazioni.
  2. Seleziona quella che vuoi cancellare e clicca su Dettagli.
  3. Clicca su Cancella prenotazione.
  4. Seleziona le tue risposte alle domande che seguono e clicca su Avanti.
  5. Controlla e clicca su Cancella prenotazione.

You may not be able to cancel active reservations or those for which check-in is scheduled to occur within 24 hours. In those cases, you’ll need to contact us.

Cancellation fees and other consequences

Canceling a guest's reservation can have serious implications for their trip, so we may impose fees and other consequences. We will waive the fees and, in some cases, the other consequences, if the Host cancels because of a Major Disruptive Event or certain valid reasons beyond the Host’s control.

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